Home Owner Flower Garden Competition
Prizes presented for each County (Prince, Queens, and Kings)
First Prize: $200.00
Second Prize: $150.00
Third Prize: $100.00
Special Prizes for Home Owner Flower Garden Competition:
The Mrs. Gordon MacMillan Award - Best Home Flower Garden located on PEI.
The Nina Crozier Senior’s Award - Best Provincial Senior’s Flower Garden (65 years or older)
This Competition is open to properties of a homeowner living in rural areas, (excluding Charlottetown & Summerside). Entries in the Farm Home, Small Holding Improvement, and New Home Completion competitions may also enter the Homeowners Flower Garden Competition. Artificial flowers are not acceptable. Entries in the Homeowner Flower Garden Competition are not eligible to enter the Commercial Flower Garden Competition. Artificial flowers are not acceptable. Please advise us on your entry form if you are age 65 or older. Judging will commence after July 21, 2024.
Entry deadline – June 30, 2024
Criteria for judging & Scoring:
• Overall appearance and curb appeal 250 points
• Landscaping to provide a suitable background for the gardens such as trees, fences, shrubs, etc. 150 points
• Continuity of blooms provided by shrubs, early and late blooming annuals and perennials 150 points
• Healthy growth of plants and blooms 150 points
• Free from weeds, removal of spent blooms, stems of plants, trimming, etc. 200 points
• Variety of flowers 150 points
• Design or arrangement of planting and harmony of colours 150 points
• Landscaping illumination 50 points
• Canadian/Provincial flag displayed 50 points
Total Possible Points: 1300 points
*Please advise us on your entry form if you are 65 years or older