Mailbox/Home Identification Competition
Provincial Prizes:
First Prize: $150.00
Second Prize: $100.00
Third Prize: $75.00
A mailbox and/or signage with the purpose of identifying a property/ residence which is located in
rural PEI (excluding Charlottetown & Summerside). Judging will commence after July 21, 2024.
Entry deadline – June 30, 2024
Criteria for judging & Scoring:
• Where a resident roadside mailbox applies, it should meet Canada Post regulations 150 points
• An attractive property identification which includes Civic number, which must be legible from the street or highway 150 points
• Improvement in the appearance to the property entrance from the highway without obstructing view onto highway or street. Landscaping, the addition of flowers, planters and other attractive and creative materials should be used to add to the overall appearance/curb appeal 300 points
Total Possible Points: 600 points